About me
Nice to meet you!
HI! I’m Ashley.* I am an online yoga teacher and business coach and I help other yoga teachers transform into confident online entrepreneurs. I went from teaching 15+ yoga classes per week and owning a local studio to running a thriving yoga business 100% online.
With a background in marketing & graphic design, I’ve learned to combine my skills (technology) with my passion (yoga) to help yoga teachers navigate the world of online yoga teaching and business building. Along with my yoga teacher coaching programs, I lead Zoom yoga classes every weekday to an audience all over the world.
When I’m is not working in or on my yoga business, you’ll find me spending most of her time with my 2 little boys.
Start here! Free Yoga Business Training
*See more of my personal story below.

Start your ONLINE yoga business – FREE class!
Ever wonder what it takes to successfully start and grow your yoga business online? Maybe you've even dabbled in creating your own website and taught a few online classes during the pandemmy era, but technology and systems still confuse you. What does it really take to earn $5k or even $10k per month as an online yoga teacher? That's what I'm share in my latest free class on the 5 Steps to Building a Successful Online Yoga Business. Click below to save your seat!
My Personal Story
In 2011, I earned a degree in Graphic Communications, with focus on digital design & production. Basically that is the fancy way to say “graphic design.” I was an athlete. I was highly driven and motivated.
I started practicing yoga during college and continued at home with DVDs. It changed my life.
In 2013 I attended my first yoga teacher training. I was hooked. I left my full-time job, sold my house and dove head first into the world of yoga teaching. I had dreams of becoming a super successful yoga teacher, perhaps even traveling the world. No one was going to stop me.
I was young. I was naive.
I thought it would be easy.
It was hard, yet so fulfilling. After 4 years of teaching 15-20 classes per week plus workshops and co-leading a couple yoga teacher trainings, I decided to start over.
I moved across the country and started from scratch. With a tiny, yet growing, online following and fabulous mentors in my back-pocket, I set out to build my online presence and re-build my community locally.
And then I became a mom…

I no longer had time or energy to teach 15+ classes a week. I knew that once I became a mom, I wanted to be home more with my babies. But I also want to continue doing what I love, which is teaching yoga.
While teaching once a week at the local YMCA (hello, child care!) and a couple studio classes a week, I got back to work building my yoga business online. Now I help new yoga teachers with confidence to get out there and actually teach.
In the fall of 2019, I stumbled into yoga studio ownership. I led two 200 hr yoga teacher training in 2019-2020… Then we all know what happened in 2020.
Rather than wallow in self-pity, having a new yoga studio close again after 5 months, I took to the internet once again! I have built a successful online yoga business, and this is where I’ll stay.
I’ve since let go of my yoga studio to focus full time on online business coaching while raising my two young kids.
My current programs include topics on business building, course creation, email list building, website creation and YouTube.
Start here! Watch my Free Yoga Business Training