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    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.


    How to join our live-streaming virtual yoga lessons:
    1. Download the Zoom app on mobile or desktop (free)
    2. Sign up for your virtual class on the schedule page (right here)
    3. You’ll get a Zoom link in your confirmation email to use when class begins.
    4. You’ll also get a reminder email 15 minutes prior to the start time.
    5. You’ll be admitted from the “waiting room” at the time of class.
    6. Your video can be on or off. All participants will be muted when class begins. Practice along and enjoy.

    Join the Membership for all access to the video replays

    Zoom yoga classes are currently free to attend live. To access hundreds of replays in the library, join the $25/month membership on my OfferingTree website. Included are 30 minute morning movement & meditation, 30 minute chair morning classes, and 30 minute yoga sculpt classes. Cancel anytime, no committment.