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    Yoga Business from Home

    Enroll Today Are you struggling with starting or growing your yoga business? Yoga Business from Home is an online course to help new yoga teachers looking to go from no audience, mediocre tech skills, and lacking confidence to growing a successful home-based yoga...

    business resources

    Business Recommendations for Yoga Teachers By Ashley Hagen  This post was inspired by those asking for my favorite business recommendations from my Facebook group, Yoga Sequencing & Teaching Tips. This is not an exhaustive list. These recommendations are MY...


    EQUIPMENT What you see below are all of my recommendations for getting started with online video, whether you are teaching yoga classes or sharing tips videos. Start with what you have an upgrade once what you have isn’t working for you anymore. You can gain a...

    Marketing Membership

    YOU’RE INVITED! Marketing Yoga with Confidence Hey yoga teacher friend! I joined Amanda’s membership group at a critical time in my business when I needed more support. I was on the cusp of great success and I needed a catalyst to tip that scale. I...

    Power Yoga Videos

    Power Yoga Videos Once you are familiar with basic yoga poses and/or my cueing as a yoga teacher, these videos would make a great audio only companion for your home practice. My name is Ashley Hagen. I’ve been a yoga teacher since 2013. This is the style of yoga...